Thursday, December 27, 2012

WSO2 Stratos 2.0 Alpha - Released !

Its was a great moment, before the year end 2012 we were able to release an Alpha version of long awaited WSO2 Stratos 2.0, and It was a great experience to be in part of the Stratos 2.0 team.

Stratos 2.0 is the next version of Stratos 1.x, and provides features including,

  •   Git / Git-hub integration support
  •   Pluggable cartridges ( PHP, MySQL and WSO2 carbon cartridges)
  •   Autoscaling into EC2 or Openstack  
  •   Custom Domain Mapping support

I will explain further on Stratos 2.0 architecture and functionality in future posts.

For more details you can refer to [1]


Thursday, November 8, 2012

SSH: Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.

When you are trying to ssh to a remote server using passwordless login, you might get an exception
   "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key."

Issue may be the private key is not properly added (default location : ~/.ssh/id_rsa )

To fix the issue, (preferably in a separate terminal) issue the following command
    $ ssh-add

This will add the private key giving the output "Identity added: /home/wso2/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/sajith/.ssh/id_rsa)"

Now you can ssh to the remote server as expected...
     $ ssh user@remoteserver

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Vim editor - Paste toggle

You may have experienced an additional spaces or unexpected indentation when you paste some text into Vim from another application. To avoid that you need to set paste toggle option in Vim

Follow the steps below

$ vim ~/.vimrc

Put the following in your vimrc (change to whatever key you want):
set pastetoggle=

save and exit.

To paste from another application:
   * Start insert mode.
   * Press F2 (toggles the 'paste' option on)
   * Use your terminal to paste text from the clipboard.
   * Press F2 (toggles the 'paste' option off).

Friday, June 15, 2012

HowTo.. ?

A collection of some important "HowTo"s that I have come across..

Hope to periodically update the list as I get to know of a new "HowTo" ..

Mount a remote samba server shared directory in Linux (Ubuntu)

      $  mount -t cifs // -o username=un,password=pw /test

Extract a "tar.gz" file in Linux
     $ tar -xzf tar-file-name.tar.gz
  • tar - the tar command.
  • x - extract the archive.
  • z - uncompress the archive using gzip.
  • f - use archive file.
  • tar-file-name.tar.gz - the name of the tar.gz to create.
The tar command will extract all the files/folders in the archive to the current directory. 

Create a "tar.gz" file in Linux
     $ tar -czf new-tar-file-name.tar.gz file1 file2 folder1 folder2
  • tar - the tar command.
  • c - create new archive.
  • z - compress the archive using gzip.
  • f - use archive file.
  • new-tar-file-name.tar.gz - the name of the tar.gz to create.
  • file-or-folder-to-archive - the name of the folder we want to archive.

Mounting and un-mounting Qemu image


modprobe nbd max_part=8
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd2 image_path
mount /dev/nbd2p1 $work_dir/$image_template

umount $work_dir/$image_template
qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd2

wget java
wget --no-cookies --header "Cookie:"

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

JavaScript Services in Action in WSO2 Mashup Server

WSO2 Mashup Server can be used to create and host JavaScript based mashups, acting as a hub for integrating your enterprise with rich information available on the web. Each mashup hosted in here is exposed as a new web service, and can be consumed by other mashups or web service clients.

In this post I'm going to show you how to get started with a JavaScript service, and consume that service inside another JavaScript (A client) embedded in an HTML page.

The scenario I'm going to cover is, developing a JavaScript based service for getting stock updates, which retrieve the stock information by invoking another external web service , and writing a JavaScript client inside an HTML, which invokes the JavaScript service. 

Writing the service

1. Download WSO2 Mashup Server binaries and extract into a convenient location (Hereafter referred to as MS_HOME ) 

2.  The JavaScript service should be written as a standard JavaScript file, as  mentioned below

3. This JavaScript file (stockQuote.js) needs to be placed in the following location

4. Start the server ($ sh /bin/ )

5. If the StockQuote service is deployed successfully it should be logged as "Deploying Web service: stockQuote.js" and verify through Management Console (https://localhost:9443/carbon/service-mgt/index.jsp?region=region1&item=services_list_menu, or http://localhost:9763/services/admin/stockQuote?wsdl)

6. After successfully starting up the server, note that a folder is created in     <MS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jsservices/admin with the name stockQuote.resources.
Create a new folder with the name "www" if such a folder is not there already. Service client related code should be place in that folder.

Writing Client code and Installing a custom UI

JavaScript clients can invoke services via generated stubs. The generated stub is again a JavaScript file. It can viewed as follows,

1. The sample code of StockQuote service client is listed below, note that it is embedded in an HTML file (which is the UI of your service) and in the top you can see a reference to the generated stub is included. Save this as index.html file into the "www" folder created above.

2. Access the UI of the as follows to test the functionality
     In the text box, input a Stock symbol (eg: GOOG, IBM, VRTU .. etc) and check the results


In some situations, the generated JavaScript stubs are having some issues (which are already identified and will be fixed in the next release)

In such a scenario, as a hack you can do the following.

1. Access the stub (http://localhost:9763/services/admin/stockQuote?stub) and save the stub file in <MS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jsservices/admin/stockQuote.resources/www location as "stockQuoteStub.js"

2. The "bf2xml" function of the stub is the culprit here, so as a fix replace the relevant code related to bf2xml function with the code below

3. In index.html file modify the line which has the reference to the stub, so remove the line

and add the following line instead

Note that, now it is referenced the modified version of the stub, which is in the www directory

4. Now the issue should be fixed.